5 Dec 2014

Interrogative sentences: les phrases interrogatives

There are different ways to ask a question. The examples given mean "Do you go to Paris?"

1. by raising the voice at the end of the sentence: Vous allez à Paris?   

2. by adding "est-ce que" to the beginning of the sentence: Est-ce vous allez à Paris?

3. by putting the verb first, then the subject: Allez-vous à Paris? (note the hyphen that is used when the subject is a pronoun).

4. by using a question word:
- Why?              =   Pourquoi?           
- How much? / How many?  =  Combien?   
- Who?  =  Qui?                      
- Which?  = Quel/Quelle/Quels/Quelles? (depending of the gender and number of the subject)
- How?  =  Comment?
- Where?  =  Où?
- What?  =  Que/Qu' ?
- When?  =  Quand?