31 Jan 2018

French idioms: "C'est un jeu d'enfants!"

"C'est un jeu d'enfants". The equivalent in English is "a piece of cake" or "easy peasy". 
Literally, "it's child's play". Kids' plays are easily understood by anybody.

"Apprendre le français est un jeu d'enfants?

- Pas vraiment!"

23 Jan 2018

places in #Paris

One of the most iconic place in Paris (Un des endroits le plus emblématique de Paris). The biggest museum in the world (le plus grand musée du monde): le musée du Louvre.

#Louvre #LouvreMuseum #MuséeduLouvre #Paris #France

17 Jan 2018

tu or vous?

In French, there are two words for "you".
"Tu" is the singular you. But you use it when addressing to someone you know well (friends, family) or a child.
"Vous" is the polite/formal "you" or the plural "you". So, you can use "vous" when addressing to one person or to several persons.

When adults meet for the time, "vous" is used. You have to continue to use "vous" unless one of the adult says "On peut se tutoyer." (We can use "tu" with each other.) or "Vous pouvez me tutoyer." (You can use "tu" with me).
So, it's important to know when to use them as you could be rude if you pick the wrong one. When in doubt, it's always best to "vouvoyer" (use "vous") someone.

12 Jan 2018

the importance of accents

French uses letters with accents. It's not only for the pronunciation but also for the meaning.
It's important to write a letter with the correct accent as somethimes it could have a completely different meaning. The two most common mistakes made by beginners are related with the accents for:
        - a and à
       - ou and où

a is the conjugated form of the verb "avoir" (to have) when conjugated with "il, elle, on".
à is the preposition meaning "to".

ou means "or".
où means "where".