11 Sept 2014

French idioms: Faire la grasse matinée

L'expression du jour est: "Faire la grasse matinée!" or "Faire la grasse mat'!". Translated literally, it is: "to do the fat morning". It doesn't make sense of course! This idiom means: "to sleep late in the morning".

You need to conjugate the verb "faire".
J'ai fait la grasse matinée / J'ai fait la grasse mat'.                        I slept late this morning.
Tu as fait la grasse matinée / Tu as fait la grasse mat'.               You slept late this morning.

1 Sept 2014

Les pronoms personnels sujets - Pronouns for the subject

Here are the pronouns that replace a noun or a person that is the subject of the verb in the sentence.

Je/J'       I:         The J' is used when the following word is a vowel or silent h.

Tu          you:     It is used when speaking to one person in a familiar way.

Il            he/it  It replaces a masculine noun or person in the singular form.

Elle        she/it:   It replaces a feminine noun or person in the singular form.

On         :            It's the familiar form to say "we", or when using an indifinite subject such as "you,                            they, someone".

Nous      we:       It replaces many persons.

Vous      you:     It is used when speaking to 2 or more persons or when you speak to one person
                          in a polite, respectul or formal way.

Ils           they:   It replaces a masculine noun or persons in the plural form or when there are 
                          masculine and feminine together.

Elles      they:    It replaces a feminine noun or persons in the plural form.